
 19th December 2022 at 6:45pm

Welcome to TiddlyWiki, a unique non-linear notebook for capturing, organising and sharing complex information

Use it to keep your to-do list, to plan an essay or novel, or to organise your wedding. Record every thought that crosses your brain, or build a flexible and responsive website.

Unlike conventional online services, TiddlyWiki lets you choose where to keep your data, guaranteeing that in the decades to come you will still be able to use the notes you take today.

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 19th August 2022 at 4:10am

The easiest way to use TiddlyWiki is to sign up for a free account with Tiddlyhost, an independently run community service. If you find Tiddlyhost useful, please consider donation or sponsorship.

Click here to download an empty copy of TiddlyWiki:

The next step is to choose a method for saving changes. There's a wide variety of methods available, with different features and limitations. Click on the badge for a method to see more information about it. You can also click on one of the platform filters to restrict the listing to methods that work with that platform.

Don't attempt to use the browser File/Save menu option to save changes (it doesn't work)



Use the checkboxes to explore the methods of saving that work with your platform(s)


 22nd March 2021 at 3:22pm

The latest and most useful links are now being gathered in the Community Links Aggregator.

Once all the relevant links have been transferred over these entries will be removed from the main tiddlywiki.com site.

The latest news, articles, resources and examples.